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Thanks for checking out the website. You can find Dave online everywhere under Dave Johnston Golf.
Here's a little background information...
Playing his first game when he was 18, without any formal instruction, Dave shot 76! 
Encouraged by his father, who devoured golf instruction books but rarely broke 90,
Dave signed up for a series of ten lessons. With visions of playing the game for a living, Dave joined a club and devoted six hours a day to hitting balls.
After ten lessons and countless hours on the practice range, he couldn't break 100!
The instructor assured Dave that sooner or later, all the hard work would pay off.
It never did.
The following season, Dave sought advice from three different instructors. Frustrated by all the contradictory advice, he quit the game for two years. 
After obtaining a Psychology degree, Dave looked for a practical application for all his textbook theory. His frustration with golf came to mind.
Deciding to abandon traditional teaching methods, he began as an assistant at the Scarlett Woods Golf Club in Toronto. Dave has been the Director of Instruction at the Bloomington Downs Golf Centre in Toronto, Ontario for 32 years.
A former twenty-six-year member of the C.P.G.A., he now teaches private lessons three days a week and writes easy-to-read golf books based on results from actual students.
The four-book series is based on notes compiled from over eleven-thousand lessons. 
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